Joel has been working in the Insurance industry since 1989. He holds a B.S. degree in business from the C.W. Post campus of Long Island University. Upon graduating, he held the positions of senior underwriter for Aetna Life and Casualty, Senior Multi-National Underwriter for AIG. and later became an Independent Insurance Agent. Joel joined Brooks-Waterburn in 2001 as Commercial Lines Manager and became Vice President in 2004. Joel is co-creator of the “Laundromat Success Program”, Brooks-Waterburn’s premier industry program for Laundromat owners nationwide. He is also the current president and founder of a local BNI chapter.
In his free time, he enjoys traveling, cooking, dining out and entertaining with his wife, two children and friends. He is a former VP of a local youth soccer league, a member of his community chamber of commerce and attends many local civic meetings to address topics within the community.